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Climate-blog: now and then, I will publish personal reflections on facts related to the climate changes.

Climate-blog: the Photosynthesis (Complete text).

The photosynthesis constitutes something of an existential
hub for life on Earth. It´s seemingly simple formula
orchestrates an act of balance, apparently unlimited in
variation and complexity; possibly the reason for its
capacity to, despite changing circumstances,
regain basic stablity.

Is the photosynthesis capable of reflecting on its own
existence? Yes, in that respect that we, as human beings,
are in several ways it´s most impressive creation;
and now when we , as part of the synthesis find ourselves
descended into a turbo-brew of our own recipe,
something ascends, a liability, an "X" in the equation,
an impact assessment still in want of of its key; yet a
fragility that paradoxically enough indicates the strength
and vigor of the photosynthesis.

If we consider the inherent strength of fragility, it will
enhance our possibilities to save, not the photosynthesis,
it will regain its balance, but ourselves in its scales.

Övriga genrer av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 171 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2019-10-31 08:54

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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP