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6 april 2019

Dark hole

There is a dark hole in his mind
with a latent gravitational force.

It's always there if searched for
(when the mind drops),
but sometimes it searches for him.

He, the hole, is welcomed.

His light is strong enough,
the hole's mindless
pain and sufferings are his own.

Sometimes I wonder who he is,
but then catch him
wondering about himself.

I can feel his thoughts,
I hear them.

They are rather amusive
and petty
and self-absorbed,
even though he might think
he thinks otherwise.

But then,
I only think
he thinks
he knows
what he thinks,
but only partly.

In reality he doesn't really
notice his thoughts.

They simply control
his every move
without him knowing.

In a way,
his thoughts parasitise on him
and he feeds them,
and he believes
their companionship
is real and genuine.

Fri vers av KPJ Sundquist VIP
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Publicerad 2022-06-01 23:37

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KPJ Sundquist VIP