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Förmodligen ett alster utan verkshöjd skrivet till en faktisk person. Det är dock något med upprepningen av vissa fraser som ger den en slags melodi om man hittar rytmen, nästan som en barnramsa med en touch av Tennyson. Bör läsas som kuriosa.

Love poem to a mermaid

They said you were a mermaid,
That your love was not for me.
They said no matter how I prayed,
Our love could never be.

They said you lived way over there,
On the island in the sea.
So why should you come over here,
Just to be with me?

I said you are a mermaid,
On the island in the sea,
There is nothing that I wouldn’t trade
For you to be with me.

They said she doesn’t love you,
That your love was never real.
They said your love was never true,
That mermaids never feel.

They said she will betray you
And other men as well.
Cause that’s what mermaids do,
They drag you down to hell.

I said yes, I am afraid,
Afraid of what will be.
Cause you’re my little mermaid
On the island in the sea.

But I love my little mermaid
On the island in the sea.
So even though I am afraid,
I want you to be with me.

So I said to all the voices,
All the voices in my head.
That sometimes we have choices
to live or just be dead.

The doubts and voices fade
And finally I’m free
To love my little mermaid
On the island in the sea.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Förre VIP
Läst 84 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-23 01:55

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