The end of a story
is also a story: ENDS
I'm sure it's been written
It doesn't have to be anything fateful,
like lives ending up as corpses,
it could be a Cagean wit;
a flow of last words of sentences,
collected from newspaper stories
or plaints;
the motto being:
”Let's start from the end!”
or "This could be the end of something!"
Of course, it may also, boringly,
be the method of a self help book,
realizing that it takes and end
for a beginning to begin
- as been said and encouraged in a song:
”Let's begin the beguin”,
or in the title of a book by David Deutsch:
”The Beginning of Infinity”
- but what I had in mind
was a series of end notes,
or at least one such, as this (”this”)
These thoughts end
in the mixed sounds
of an old typewriter
and a million drizzle fingertips
lightly tapping the windows