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(this poem is about captures the essence of the beautiful night I experienced)

Moonlit Magic/Good morning,

*I saw the brightest moon at dawn big red and low above Kungsholmen

I sat like this and I see her pass a red signal light for flight it was 02:30 met the intersection of the red star, still close to the earth, the moon, a star that went down to the middle of the water above the canopy of all pastels in green in the dark at night seen from the lights in the parking lot from the 7th floor.

This guardian star passed over the face of the moon and touched its center sphere,

I was stunned by the beauty of the moon I then went to bed to the lullaby of the birds, what a magical night,now I understand the witches fly above and beyond and the birds from branch to branch, it's a fight for the food before the bright day when the sun takes over the night of the short.

Swedish summer night.

Above Kungsholmen's silent watch,
The moon arose, a blushing torch.
A guardian star in transit glide,
Across the moon's proud, beaming side.

At half past two, 'neath heaven's arch,
It kissed the moon, a fiery march.
The red star sank in gentle grace,
Into the water's dark embrace.

The night in pastel greens was dressed,
From seventh floor's vantage, all expressed.
The parking's lights, a dim ballet,
Of shadows long and whispers fey.

The guardian star, in its flight,
Adorned the moon with soft red light.
And I, in awe of night's ballet,
To lullabies of birds, gave day.

Witches on broomsticks, so they say,
Dance 'neath the moon's enchanting ray.
While birds from branch to branch do dart,
In pre-dawn feast, they play their part.

For soon the sun, with golden sweep,
Will claim the night, and end its keep.
In Swedish summer's fleeting trance,
Day conquers night in bright advance.
this poem is about captures the essence of the beautiful night I experienced.

Bunden vers av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 23 gånger
Publicerad 2024-05-26 11:36

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  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP


  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Om det var ett ryskt luftskepp du såg, kan jag inte bekräfta det. Jag hittade en artikel som nämner att Finland avvisar rykten om ryska luftskepp, men det ger inte tillräckligt med information för att avgöra om det var ett sådant du såg. Om du har mer information eller detaljer kan jag försöka hjälpa till med att klargöra vad det var du observerade.Det är svårt att säga exakt utan mer information, men det kan ha varit månen du såg. Månen är jordens enda naturliga satellit och är det ljusaste objektet på stjärnhimlen efter sol. Varje gång du tittar på månen från jorden ser du samma sida av månen. Den bortre sidan kallas ibland felaktigt för den “mörka sidan”, men faktum är att den är upplyst precis lika ofta som den främre sidan.


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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP