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Prosa av Ohemulen VIP
Läst 63 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2024-09-24 19:58

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    Elsa Wik
Håller med; Stark dikt.

  Boneyfrank VIP
Stark dikt! Bra skrivet, den fångade mig!

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and yes youre infinitely beautiful. but people called you ginger and toppen in school and still do. and that sucks. there should be laws against hairism. and bleaching your skin isnt the worst its deying it. every single strand is unique and has its own personality and after deying it just dies completely. thus the origin of the word. and im sure youll turn platina blonde soon. its everywhere. and thats ok because platina is really blue and its the highest frequency. and you looked so good beyond my wildest dreams and ill never get to see you again and thats ok. story of my life. and in my sourcecode im supposed to have 1 ex and 1 före detta and uh i cant change that and thats ok. how many languages do you know? do you know gottländska? what did they use to talk on your island long ago? and im supposed to learn finnish and its sorta impossible. i know one single phrase. and then theres vavaavaavaa or something. and not even natives finns know how when to use 1 or 2 letters. its so strange. anyway was nice to see you. its not lonely and not boring but i get to see 2 people and now its 1. and uh its ok. and everyone is the same. and thats ok too. i am still alive. but i felt dead inside before. and i have emotions now but i dont get em. being in synchronicity is better than anything. and thats sorta over. and its ok. and i was in it yesterday. now youtube started playing some amazing songs ive like never heard. and you can handle smartphones and thats cool. and yeah you were at my place in prästgårdsvägen. and you live in another time because in my world café fenix is called demokratipiloterna since like 2013. but thats ok. dont know what the future holds. i got the window and its foggy. the forecast says 95% humidity. it can go to 100% which seems weird since it should be underwater too. and all makes sense on every level now. anyway. goodmorning.
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Ohemulen VIP