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reality is nothing you claim it to be. or what I claim it to be.

Desperate times calls for even more desperate lines.

The simple law of nature.

If your not good enough to provide for yourself
you must leech off others.

The simple understanding.

We are a mixture of the reality we perceive
and the reality perceived by everything else
meaning our world combines two primary's.
A dangerous mix of thought and form.



is the eternal light
of hope
that sadly never last
but constantly is being reshaped and reborn
but we all want to believe in its initial promise.
But we border two worlds
the physical world
doomed to break down
and reemerge
and the eternal one
stripped of anything materialistic,
and tangible
the physical separate us
while this other force
units us
as one.

unloved, hails from oneselves inability to realize
that everything is equal, equally bad and good,
evil and kind, beautiful and ugly.

I loved once,
I thought,
as I open another beer
I wish I could cry
but there is like a wall
for the emotion to get through
and it is too weak
to penetrate.

At last,
I know the truth about us.

We are meager fools
of souls forgotten.


Maybe it is all a simulation?
and those who mange to transcend consciousness
to escape our three dimensional world like consciousness
becomes mythical creatures of our own perception
things we call, demon’s, ghost’s, angels, and Aliens.
Creatures that started out as humans, but transcend
to further dimensions.

But most people think reality is political, religion, and hobbies.
I think our reality – is the least real there is.
I think people that dumb, should suffer this travesty.

Sometimes I really feel...
Like in the bone, the marrow of the bone.
That death is the gateway
to salvation.

The only way out
of all this nonsense.

Believe in politics
and religion
follow and idolize movie stars
singers, painters, comedians,
eat your breakfast
drink your tea
or coffee
and keep discussing
the rights and wrongs
of your small 3D minds
and sing the praise of fools
that keeps limiting your minds
and believe that sex
and material success
or political nonsense
is the key to eternity
you meager fools
of souls forgotten…

only fools
in current
to always be present.

I don’t get drunk anymore
I do not see the need to feel more crap
than I already do…


I’ve grown to hate
this world
this reality
whatever you want to call it
it because of the people
if not for them I think it could be


What can we say about life or existence?
I can say something, but my mother taught me that if you don’t have anything nice to say,
don’t say anything at all, so lets just leave it at that…
but let me just say, that eternity scare me more than death,
at this point.


in a holly alliance,
everything appear to be sacred
in an unholy alliance,
everything will appear to be pointless…


you think material excess can make the soul happy?
I never been able to buy happiness…
or love…
or wisdom
or kindness…
All I been able to buy is stuff.
Stuff to stuff the emptiness from things I truly miss


if you think war
can heal
what’s wrong
then you are part of the problem
not the solution


I never been
what I am now
and tomorrow
the same
can be said


on a grassy hill
face up facing the welkin
such a huge thing
vast and blue
blue, blue, blue
no thoughts but still dreaming
distant cries of seagulls
and near the ears
soft whispers of the breeze
I feel the world
through me
the vast body
of mass


I drink my wine
until I can’t take it anymore
I vomit
in my sleep
and dream
once more


as I touch her
I am convinced
nowhere else
their can be a women like her
with a body like that
and lips as soft
and eyes as gentle


demonic nights
like a cloud in my room
like a presence in my mind
dancing shadows
before my eyes


the end.

Fri vers av Alexander Gustafsson VIP
Läst 25 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-12-13 16:39

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  Evelyn Falk Möller VIP
När jag var ung flicka så virvlade jag..... Du vet, snurra runt runt runt med armarna rätt ut från kroppen och det liksom porlade av sockerdricka inuti av ren och skär LYCKA!!!
Så skulle jag vilja göra nu efter att ha läst din text. Men åldern har satt stopp för det.

Den är på engelska, men klockan är mycket (22.34) och av whiskeyn är jag tillräckligt snurrig som det är, så jag läser på Svenska. Och texten griper tag, vrider om i hjärtat, släpper sitt tag en aning (vid måsarna) och viskningarna och sedan flyter jag bara med till de dansande skuggorna ända till slutet. Och vet att livet är evigt och precis så bra eller dåligt som vi själva väljer. För det är så Jag väljer att se på livet. Och någonstans så finns det en ung flicka inom mig som virvlar och virvlar... Tack för att du plockade fram det minnet hos mig denna Luciadag A.
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Alexander Gustafsson
Alexander Gustafsson VIP