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This is in english so my english friends will be able to read it

The Unicorn

A beautiful girl is standing beside some tree
and she admire everything nice she here see
The light with crimson sky in the morning break
a mystical mist that is hanging over the lake

The girl is wearing a white dress made of lace
her curly blond hair framing her cute face
This is a quiet place where she feels no fear
she treasure every single moment she is here

This is the place she see the most beautiful sight
a unicorn so proud so wonderful and pearly white
She hear the small thumps of the unicorns hooves
when the unicorn through the deep woods moves

The unicorn stop beside her and it looks so kind
she feels the kindness of the unicorn in her mind
She gently sits up put her hands in its soft mane
and she feel the small drops of the morning rain

She rides along the beach and she looks so fair
with a beatiful smile and the wind in her hair
A wonderful time in a faraway fairytale land
on a beach with the glow of the golden sand

Fri vers av Annica
Läst 342 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-24 15:50

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