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A beautiful day

In the morning, when the sun is rising
Birds are singing, dawning is the day
The sunrays through the windows flowing
Wash all the coldness of the night away

Blackbirds are sitting in a tall tree
Acorns falling on the soft misty ground
Its astounding all the things we see
The color, the light, all so profound

And the sounds that we hear from outside
Is the music to the story in our eyes
The fields of nature, so green, so wide
And all the flowers that bloom so nice

No one tells the wind which way to blow.
From our dreams, we can build another day
The sparkle of life has start to glow
A sparkle that washes all our heartaches away

Fri vers av Annica
Läst 358 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-03-23 14:19

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