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13 - that\'s the age to be
The prime time, top of evolution
Hah, that\'s me

I know exactly how everything is
I\'ll tell you all about it - seal it with a kiss

Parents know nothing
Teachers know nothing
I know I\'m right
I can do anything I want to
I don\'t wanna do anything
I\'ll kick the establishment in the arse
I want revolution
I don\'t wanna grow up
I am grown up
I\'d rather burn out than fade away
I\'m gorgeous
I\'m fun
I am the epicenter
I am the sun

But I woke up this morning feeling sad and small
Didn\'t wanna go to school - didn\'t wanna get up at all

I went to the bathroom because I needed to pee
A look in the mirror and what do I see

A pimple here, a pimple there
And the hair is going....everywhere

A failure, a horror, a mistake that\'s me
13 - what an age to be

If my friends could see me now
See the real me
A sad and lonely, stupid cow
Crying while I pee

But now I have to get ready, I have to straighten out myself
I\'ve got all the equipment I need on the bathroom shelf
Make-up, mousse and a lot of smell
It all make me start to feel pretty swell
Haha, I\'m back
I\'m on track
The attitude is me
13 wow - the age to be

So I\'m out, I\'m off to school, to meet all my friends
We\'ll hang around, shoot some pool til the schoolday ends

But, hey, there\'s no one here
I am all alone
Not a single friend\'s arrived -
I need to use my phone

Just then I see...there they are, the world is shining bright
My friends, my mates, my everything - such a lovely sight

So now you\'ll understand me
Now when you do see
That 13 it is nothing
But the perfect age to be

Fri vers av Mr Bones
Läst 253 gånger
Publicerad 2007-03-30 19:49

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Mr Bones