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Beware, fuckface!

To the man who thinks it right to beat
the poor woman at his feet.
Because of some imaginitve superiority
I say the only thing he has left is his stupidity.
With his iron fist
he fills her eyes with mist.
Explain it all you want, fuckface.
Come near me and I\'ll send you to a desolate place.
If you think you\'re tough
Beating women without knowing when it\'s enough.
Then, my dear fuckwad, let me tell you
That men can bleed pretty impressively too.
With a boot burried in your balls.
You\'ll feel enough agony to try climbing walls.
Try all you want, dip-shit.
For revenge is ours, you know it.
Wow. Really impressive.
You say you have made your woman submissive?
I laugh at your naive imaginations and lack of remoarse.
Because if you bend a womans mind, it\'ll bounce back with double force.
You use words to insult and neglect.
If I were you, I\'d be careful which words to select.
For your word is only a fraction
away from a really nasty action.
She\'ll slice you and awake you if you fainted.
Fuck, you\'ll look like something picasso painted.
Even if you think she cant harm you.
But don\'t forget. You have to sleep sometime too.
So think of my words of warning, and then get away.
And if you disobey; I\'ll be there faster than a fucking sunray.
Now I think all is understood and said.
Bare in mind: Touch her, and you\'re dead.

Fri vers av Enigmatic
Läst 153 gånger
Publicerad 2007-05-16 22:24

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