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Waste Me Away,

Enough, its just enough.
You cant take anything more from me, I\'m not that tough.
If the world could see you with my eyes.
They wouldn\'t belive your lies.

You break another one of my walls,
before i got the chance to build one up.
Dont think of me, dont talk to me, dont look at me.
And I will be just fine, I will make it.
Cause I am a better human being then you are.

You took my everything.
You took my beloved one, my best friend and my \"brother\".
Its enough now, I dont have anything left for you.
So why do you keep stealing from my heart?
Why can\'t you just leave me alone?
I dont hate anyone like I hate you.
No one else deserves to be hated, no one else but you.

If it would be the right thing to do,
I would wish the life out of you.
But its not right, I just know you will..

You will waste me away, so just fuck off!

Övriga genrer av QueenObscene
Läst 296 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-06 18:58

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