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Does it hurt...

Does it hurt to see that he wants her more then he wants you?
Does it hurt to know that hes choosing her over you?
Does it hurt to know that he cant be true,
that he just cant pick you,
when all he do is to look back and watch you go.
While youre the one thats hurting slowley and painful,
and youre the one thats crying at night just to get through the day and make it okay.
And he dont know why you pray,
why you stay,and you remember what he used to say
\"youre beautiful as a flower and you shine as the sun\",
bút he dont care to say that no more,
and thats why youre hurting slow.
Hes watching you fade away,
Youre slippin away and you cant stay...

Fri vers av Teytej
Läst 141 gånger
Publicerad 2007-10-19 21:36

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