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Olycklig kärlek....skriven under en sömnlös natt

YOU could have been so much more

YOU could have been so much more than the man who crushed my soul into dust
YOU could have been so much more than the man who just showed me a glimpse of what love can be.
YOU could have been so much more than the man who showed me the world of possibilites out there
YOU could have been so much more than the man whoose memory makes me incapable of participating in real life
Oh, YOU could have been so much more

Fri vers av malinka
Läst 464 gånger
Publicerad 2005-05-06 12:25

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Riktigt bra skrivet - jag gillar speciellt att YOU är skrivet med stora bokstäver. Det blir liksom lite mer påträngande då.
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