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Wait for me

between awake and asleep
a lover comes.
Breathes a kiss
on my open palm,
drawing me
from the place where dreams come from.
In my dreary state,
not quite awake;
not still asleep
I can feel the warmth
of lips unknown.
Can smell a sweet perfume...
lingering in the pre-dawn air,
like mist on the water.
No lover have I
these many a moon,
save for the
fast fading lady of my dreams.
Why do you she haunt me so?
How I would gently touch your finger tips,
smooth your long hair,
look in to your eyes
and know where love comes from.
Soon I must rise,
the day begun.
Fair lady
wait for me again
above the clouds
and below the stars.


Övriga genrer av Pete W
Läst 229 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-22 03:29

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Pete W
Pete W