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Look to me friend!
I hold an image
so perfect,
you will see without fail
A message
so clear
you cannot fail to understand it.
It is very simple
and as these things go,
automaticall the most difficult
to believe.

Here is this beautiful image.
I hold it up before your face;
see the smile - its\' your smile!
See the eyes - they are your eyes.
Yes it is you!
I am holding up a mirror to you.
So you can see
the beauty I see.
You are the most important image in your life.

...and the message!
Its\' this,
pure and simple...
you are all the love you need.


Övriga genrer av Pete W
Läst 222 gånger
Publicerad 2008-01-22 06:52

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Pete W
Pete W