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En dikt om hur man ibland vill dra sig undan.

A need, a craving for a world of my own.

This is a peculiar sensation?
And a mighty one that I just cannot ignore.
Need to be alone
a need that eats me
whenever my closest ones are too close.
- like they were wasps.

It comes when I've been with them
for far too long a time.
I need just to run away
into my own world for a while.
Into the spaces and foldes
inbetween my wishes and the world.

It isn't hatred that makes me flee.
Like this world and all
isn't enough for me.
I just need to feel completely free
for moments at a time.
Even if I leave those I love and feel
like I am abandoning them...

It is a need I just cannot ignore.

Fri vers av FeatherDust
Läst 230 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-03 19:33

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