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Poetry under my universe of rhymes!

Poetry trough my univese of rhymes
Lord of the rings or telescope wings
Under the statement brings
A whole lot´s of things

That you never discover
Under disgused demons cover
A jurney on a broken lover
Wich inviseble ink fire

This is poetry i write for free
For you to see
What´s under me
Or beyond the tree

The border of heaven
Wich drinks its on coffie
On seven elven

Travel on an Encore with broken wings
The magical brackdrop give what it brings
Trough hidden landscapes over goblins springs
Vocies in my head tell storys from the Sphynx

This is just fantasy from my head
Translated to before you end up dead
in a coffin with my poetry in your hand
An a far destinantion far away from your land

Fri vers av T.Pedersen
Läst 384 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-10 14:03

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