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En låttext som föddes med hjälp av min gitarr.

Last Night

Last night she said goodbye to her dearest friend
Knowing it would never lead to a happy end
Though it hurts a lot it was the right thing to do
Maybe he just didn't care that she had feelings too

Last night she shaved her head, you might say "what for"?
Her long hair ended up on the floor
She was sick and tired of being judged by her look
They always looked upon her like the cover of a book

All her life she's been told what to say, what to do
She just wants to be true

She's on the verge of finding herself
It will take time, but she'll come there som day
Have the courage to open the book
reveal the true story about herself

Last night she decided never to give up
Never have to look up to the people at the top
Do the things in life that she never wants to miss
Tell herself that life is such a wonderful bliss

All her life she's been told what to say, what to do
She just want's to be true

She's on the verge of finding herself
It will take time, but she'll come there som day
Have the courage to open the book
reveal the true story about herself

Fri vers av m.i.a
Läst 148 gånger
Publicerad 2008-10-01 17:04

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