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Lost In You

The day you found me I was lost
I never knew this day would come
The minute you touched me,
you moved me - my longing heart
You take me to the world of dreams
You show me all I need to hear
Within your eyes I loose my fear
Yes I was lost

Now I lost in you
Now I lost in you

Falling down, didn't know where to turn
Dragging me down, left here to burn
I've faced my fears
I've shed my tears
When nothing's true
What's there to do?

The day you found me I was lost
I never knew this day would come
The minute you touched me,
you moved me - my longing heart
You take me to the world of dreams
You show me all I need to hear
Within your eyes I loose my fear
Yes I was lost

Turning round, see your smiling face
Hitting the ground, you blind me with your grace
In your embrace
I leave that place
Withing your heart
To fate we part

The day you found me I was lost
I never knew this day would come
The minute you touched me,
you moved me - my longing heart
You take me to the world of dreams
You show me all I need to hear
Within your eyes I loose my fear
Yes I was lost

Fri vers av FAE
Läst 273 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-04-19 14:09

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