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You can feel the beat from the streets

if you just know how to listen

The screaming from the subway rising in the night

and weak leaf who's shivering in the sweet summe breeze

Glittering clear water and shooting stars sparkling in the dark summer night sky.

Feel the vibrance from the growing flowers

who's getting stronger each day

A lonely wind softly caresses your cheek like an old hand dying for touch

The reflections of the mirror is your only truth

So listen up and hear you fool
cause this is your life..

Övriga genrer av Moa Rindell
Läst 218 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-10 15:43

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först lite löst pladder för att invaggas i ............

sen en punch i magen

du är ett diktar proffs
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Moa Rindell