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Lost and found

It doesn't matter how hard I try as in the end I just can't seem to cry

My heart was broken not so long ago and I feel so ashamed not to let you show,
about your feelings to me and your will to gain, to drive away all this heavy pain.

My heart and my soul are so hollow ,and I don't know if you should be here to follow ?

To see me this way will just give you pain as I wish to you I could explain.

I feel how I fade away as I wish I knew my way.
I hope i'll be here to stay as I hope you wont go away.

You found me in the alley all alone and cold ,as I saw you stand there looking at me.

I reach out my hand as I feel you take it without being able to brake it, and I knew that we would make it.

As you took me in your arms holding me tight,
I knew that you didn't want be to be alone tonight.

Fri vers av Akatora
Läst 248 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-12 01:10

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