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En låt jag har skrivit som handlar ganska mkt om mitt liv och två personer som har påverkat det... vet att titeln är lite speciell Snus och ketchup står för två personers namn

From snuff til ketchup and then what

It started out with snuff and it tore me apart
It began with a party that wasn't so much fun
And the day after you found out
You found out that I had feelings for you
You didn't say much about it
Just that you didn't feel the same way
I accepted it and forgot it all
Months later you insulted me in the worst way you could

I've gone from snuff til ketchup and you both tore me apart
Snuff tore me apart many times and pushed me done to the ground
Ketchup just tore me apart once and it didn't hurt that much
Now I'm over both of you and I'm feeling alright, I'm free

To years later i fell for Ketchup
I was quiet about it for very long and then I told my friends
They encouraged me to talk to you and I did
Oh, why did I?
Well, I wanted to know you, and maybe I did
When I told you how I felt you stopped talking to me
And it tore me apart

I've gone from snuff til ketchup and you both tore me apart
Snuff tore me apart many times and pushed me done to the ground
Ketchup just tore me apart once and it didn't hurt that much
Now I'm over both of you and I'm feeling alright, I'm free

It took me two years to get over snuff, but only half a year to get over ketchup
Maybe it was because snuff hurted me many times
But know it doesn't mather any more, I'm over it
I've grown stronger because of it

I've gone from snuff til ketchup and you both tore me apart
Snuff tore me apart many times and pushed me done to the ground
Ketchup just tore me apart once and it didn't hurt that much
Now I'm over both of you and I'm feeling alright, I'm free
Just wondering what will happen next

Fri vers av Lolloon
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-08 14:51

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