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Psychotic Romantic

You are... living in my dreams
There's no... limitations (there)
I can... speak without preparin'
Of how much I care..

We are... sailin' on a rainbow
Smoothly... across the universe
I will... show how much I love you
By singin' this verse..

I've created this imaginary place.. Where I can hold your hand
and speak my mind of how I feel.. because;
I'm a neurotic sociophobe, a psychotic in love..!

We can... see when the sun is changing
Into... a solid piece of gold
I have... so much that I can show you
A whole world to unfold..

I'll speak... words of truth and romance
Painted... with colors of my mind
Rainclouds... are nowhere to be found there
In this place I designed..

I've created this imaginary place.. Where I can hold your hand
and speak my mind of how I feel.. because;
I'm a neurotic sociophobe, a psychotic in love..!

Fri vers av tobias wedin
Läst 190 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-28 18:32

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tobias wedin