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Ride My Brain

I'm one step ahead of my thoughts
I can't keep things in order
My head is like a liquid train
Existence is running on disorder

Acid mush
My brain has turned to gush
Ride my brain
the world has gone insane
Ride my brain, ride my brain
Now I'm the one insane

I seem to be confused and dazed
trapped inside a maze
I can't keep track of time and space
Tuning out, without a trace

Acid mush
My brain has turned to gush
Ride my brain
the world has gone insane
Ride my brain, ride my brain
Hahahahahaha I am insane!

Fri vers av tobias wedin
Läst 178 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-09-07 09:43

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tobias wedin