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En hyllning till Musik, till kärlek, och till dig min älskade.

Loving Music, Loving You.

As these lovely notes, makes vibration in the air,
they also shake my heart, when they reach my ear.
cause nothing, can effect you like, lovely music can.
And nothing, is as powerful, as notes written by man,

So carry with you always, the memory of this,
That music can always give you a comforting kiss,
it can wipe your tears, or make them flood,
it can stop you heart, or boil your blood.

But even though music with all of its skill,
It's nothing compared to just stitting still,
right next to someone that you hold dear,
holding hands, cuddling and just being near,
each other at some quiet, varm and safe place,
that is what really makes my heart race.
in the vicinity of someone's dear embrace,
I'm feeling like I'm in low-gravity space,
its like I'm floating on a fluffy pink cloud,
and all I want to do is just scream your name out loud,
for all to hear, for all right here, under our atmopshere,
it may not be an easy thing to bear, but some day it all be crystal clear.

cause I love you, I really do, and I hope you, belive its true.
cause I want to show the world the beauty you posses,
and into my heart, I'll give you full, and free access.
cause I want you being able to fully trust in me,
and maybe one day you may be able to see.
the truth, the love, the music and the light inside our hearts.
dancing around you, manifested from out of the air, sweet as strawberry tarts.

Bunden vers (Rim) av likemusictomyears
Läst 417 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-11-30 21:23

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