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Masseys Of The Jungle #2

We show our self's history and forgotten dreams of extacy,
controllable fears and nightmares rule our night,
and fragmenting our memory's of sexless nights in harmony,
shown in drunken visions are public places full of hormones
squares are filled with screaming virgins,
check up on me to night so i'm not dreaming,
when I awoke next to my dreaming virgin,
I saw her terrified eyes searching for forgiveness in the dark,
crying beside me in the bed in her sleep,
showing all the good sides of her nature.

When I awoke the next morning and came down stairs,
saw her mother playing the piano, it was the most beautiful scene in mystery,
and the air smelled like Listerine,
cleaning products and rags on the table,
she wasn't sober,
I went out, sat in my car, found my self being thrown at with rocks!
What the hell is going on!?
Her mother on the doorstep forcing sounds like screaming,
and a bag of rocks from their garden came whizzing through my windshield,
I gotta get outta here!

Came home about four o'clock in the afternoon,
pulled off, and went to sleep, dreamed about murders and murder-scenes
in my bathroom,
went to explore it, found nothing,
awoke with an adrenaline chock,
sweating and crying, feeling the narcissism creeping by.

Nazis in the dark, rounds are fired,
Jews are fleeing, camps were set up,
half the population on the earth is erased,
what a destiny, I'm glad I'm withe, I would have made fine,
and still gotten my virgins.

Fri vers av NiklasGustavson
Läst 208 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-21 18:49

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Jag gillar den första bättre, men det är någonting med den här. Den är förvirrande, men det är nästan det som är charmen. Näst sista stanzan är utan tvekan bäst, jag gillar sättet du har delat upp den på (:
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