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Har skrivit denna dikt i samband med att jag lyssnat på "Is This Where We Started" av Deviniance, ett band som kan hittas på Myspace. http://www.myspace.com/deviniance


Static is everywhere and I'm losing.
The wait is excruciating.
I hear something! A glimmer of hope!

Then was the time of the Savior;
the bringer of peace

Iron fist brought to thee
By the power invested
Screams for breaking free
With the love nested

And we nailed them against the wall, the ones that walked with blackened feet, those who paraded. They sought quiet and we screamed, They sought tranquility and we screamed, They sought to seek and we made them lost. For all the awful and disturbing lies, our heads was anesthetized.

Serenity and beauty, that's what's left. So now we sleep.

Fri vers av THX1138
Läst 237 gånger
Publicerad 2010-04-17 12:32

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