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The Forest of Purple Breath

The forest of purple breath
aligns your mind with the sway
of the gentle twigs atop the trees

The forest of purple breath
is an astonishing display
as body and soul merge with the breeze

The forest of purple breath
leads you forth through surging trails
where the guiding path crawls like a snake

The forest of purple breath
invites you to regress back to childhood tales
and rows of madcap pines will tell what road to take

The forest of purple breath
leaves your mouth with a rainbow taste
though a liquid surface is covering your skin

The forest of purple breath
will let no impression go to waste
yet you tumble with confusion of everything that's been

Fri vers av tobias wedin
Läst 284 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-06 00:42

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tobias wedin