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Egentligen en låttext jag skrivit men kände att den gjorde mer nytta här än i något Word-dokument. Ska även tillägga att jag fått göra lite ändringar för att läsningen inte ska bli så enformig.

No fear

I was sitting down by the sea
It was freezing
but the thought of you made me outlast
the cold

You're too near to feel close, so far away
my words seems
I can't say a thing
But I know that you
know too
I really do love you

I just can't put it down in words
It's not that easy at all
But I will try my best
to make you get me
What will you say when I utter the

You take me where I need to be
You lead me through these tunnels of fears
and not once you've stopped
to catch your breath
I can't thank you enough for being my life

Do you know you have saved me
You are my bodyshaped world
It's only by you I can breathe
It's only by you I can live
Otherwise I guess I'll have to die

When it hurts like the most
You take my hand and pull me close
'Cause you know you can heal me
The way you talk makes me feel safe
When I hear your voice I am sure
no demons can reach me

I am just another misfit
Though I have people around me
they're not you
They will never be you
no one could ever be you
Don't want no future without you
So would you stay with me
Just stay with me


Fri vers av Nova-Jane
Läst 226 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-08-10 03:59

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