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A sequel to "And the mother cried"

When the children played

The children they ran around, not knowing the danger they were in.
They climbed, built, destroyed, laughed, cried and sometimes fought.

As children do, they lived in the moment and were unconcerned about tomorrow, thinking only about how much fun they could have right now.

Sometimes they fell down and got scratched, bled a little, and then continued to play.

Their mother was watching over them, trying to keep them out of trouble,
but sometimes they were just too naughty, too quick, doing too many things at the same time.

And the children were the humans

Fri vers av Janis Karlsson
Läst 412 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-03 04:18

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  Mats Henricson
Yeah, you´ve really caught the fascination of childhood ! Nostalgia comes over me and the memories returns !

  Mangal VIP
Stark text. Obetänksamhet och att inte förstå delhet i större perspektiv får oss att göra saker som får konsekvenser bortom vår fattningsförmåga. Gillar ditt språk, det flyter fint. Läser gärna mer!
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Janis Karlsson
Janis Karlsson