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Skrev bara av mig lite tankar o sörja som låg i mitt huvud sent om kvällen.

The Glory Days

To have died under the Roman Army's red banner, for the glory of Rome

To have died in Napoleon's great army, led by a genious

To have died in the trenches of France WWI, with comrade around you

To have died in Civil War of North America, under Custer's brave hand

To have died on the beaches of Normandy, fighting off the Nazis

To have died, fighting next to Akillies, Alexander The Great, Djingis Khan, Hector of Troy, Miyamoto Musashi or anyother of the countless heroes

But those times are long gone, where will my heroic end be? In my bed, at 60, my own heart failing from years of abuse. My impact on this world will have been but naught. I have no great destiny, no huge task to undertake, no supreme evil trying to take over the world nor an amazing discovery to make.

The curse of the simple Man, to be ruled by titans, be told what do eat, what to wear and how to feel about life. We are programmed from birth to know, that there is no future, nothing we can do can change anything anywhere.

You might be able to help 10 or 10 000 hungry children, or help a homeless man get food. But for what? A month later, they are all probably dead, the homeless man is hungry again, his situation not improved. The children starved anyways, cause there wasn't enough....

I'm not say we shouldn't help or try to change the world. But we need help, one man can't change things anymore, we need to pull together.

We need to sort things out!

And we need to do so, fast...we needed it yesterday.

Fri vers av Nightly_Poet
Läst 236 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-11 23:08

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