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Kan vara det mest deprimerande jag skrivit. Musiken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08oae4zNtVo&feature=youtu.be

Wail of the crone

The sun is up high in the sky today
I don't know it, but they said it on the radio
My TV is broken and so are my legs
I don't care to go to the doctor

The last time I was out it was snowing a lot
I wonder if the sun will melt it...
The last time I was out it was snowing a lot
I wonder if the sun will melt it?

Won't you give me a hand - see, I'm sinking here
Won't you help someone like me?

They say that life has its' ups and downs
But my life is built on a descent
They say that I have to turn the light on to see it
But my life is a big turn-off (button)

They say that life's what you make it
But I've never been able to make anything
Not even... a cookie...
Or maybe some coffee
Not even a cup
Not even a cake
Or maybe a child
Or maybe just coffee
No, not even coffee...

Won't you give me a hand - see, I'm sinking here
Won't you help someone like me?
To make some coffee?

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Emma-Josefin
Läst 388 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-20 23:13

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