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Loving fiercely and wild

Before my inner eye I clearly see
things as they used to be
There’s you, her and in a corner, me.

Gently, your hand lies upon her head,
I spoke not a word, nothing was said.

Age, years of wisdom touched her youth
you both smiled, ever so smooth.

Two beams of light,
hung on so tight,
just as I prayed the might,

You held on for so long,
were always more than strong.

Did you know, this time it couldn’t last?
Maybe. But somehow you were at peace with the past.

You looked without no regret at this child,
with love glowing, flowing wild.
Always loving; loving fiercely and mild.

I’ll never forget,
the moment you two met.

The baby and the lady, with a heart of gold:
the living youth and the dying old.
Your love, my very soul behold.

That moment, you were all you used to be.
There was you, her and in a corner, me.
Forever my inner eye I will forever see.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Spacyhead
Läst 214 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-02-19 18:41

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