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Your landmark

I had arrived just in time for my scantily clad dream
No attire necessary, it would only break in its seams
In the glow of an afterlife I hadn’t yet visited
A reminder of how much I missed the dead
You stood upon the sands of a fragrant shore
Beckoning me as a lantern; whose light the air tore
Filtered rays whispered images we used to hold dear
Yet absentminded as I was, I still clung to my fear

I knew it would come to that point where you leave again
I would wake from the slumberous lands to my bed
Can I handle that pain now, when I couldn’t back then
I mean, as much as it pains me: I know you are dead

No point in me lying here, blissfully pretending
that what this dreamscape encounter might bring
is a magical tool that takes your body and starts mending
reanimating you as in a dance, to a vague tune on strings

But you taught me a lesson
in the midst of the wonder
It was like a confession
One that I still ponder

As the nightsky grew red
and you returned into the seas:
you said “we all can raise the dead
but only in our memories”

Fri vers av Andreas Rylander
Läst 339 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-12 01:16

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Andreas Rylander