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Words are flying around "in the space of E"... Nutidseternättelvävars oömkliga stämningar för olika folkrättsbrott efter folks rätt, brotten... Att åtala, sedermera, avkräva svaromål... You are commited to "all" "ours" global constitutional guilts...Why..

Who Tellus Whom spy...

Who em"barra"sess



if not

the state

so tell us

Who´s in charge

is nothing

but, liars...

Fotfolksnot: Press freedom, is not a right according some judges... It´s a fucking call upon the fundamental constitutions of countires in a world facing us in contact with our soul and minds to solve the problems WE are all aware and dependent of... The truthout about the lies and who is a spy if not all the government, ment bildt, among others, us, as usually, get their message out and in by "their" own canals...We, have to be watched up, by everyone, nobody knows, the troubles, yet...Droooones... If you like, look at ABC News an interview with Assange about Snowden, the case, what us does to remove the fokus from that they monitoringing people www....2013 Wake up call...

Övriga genrer av figurett
Läst 234 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-07-01 16:30

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