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Love is a typical...typical thing,
like on your finger- a wedding ring,
like on your table- butter and cheese,
like on your lips-a typical kiss...
like in your mind-a typical thought,
like in the UK-a typical rain,
like in your body-a typical pain,
''love'' is a commonplace word..
The Real love can fly without wings,
a real marriage can do without rings,
the food becomes good when you starve,
a real kiss is a kiss of true Love..
I am such a typical,typical thing...
No real Love and no wedding ring,
and I eat my bread and cheese,
and I get my common kiss...
and I see a common rain
through my usual window-pane,
and I write my common verse,
it's not better,it's not worse
than my casual English speech...
I'm so typical each
... week,
I'm so typical each
... day,
Monday,Wednesday...and today...
and I have a scheme to follow,
without thinking,for tomorrow...
I have seldom genuine words,
genuine feelings,genuine thoughts,
genuine mutual attraction...
All is a pure imagination..!
Nothing more and nothing less...
But I like sometimes to hear
people's praise in my left ear...
and I calm myself this way
on Monday,Tuesday and today...
But everytime when I want something
I think always about YOU...
And your words,your smile,your glee
can my sorrow easily smother,
as your common praise to me
is more dear than from another !!!

Bunden vers (Rim) av MetteGulin
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-17 10:46

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