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Poem of love.

Days goes by, years have.
But some days I think about you,
I've loved others after you, I love someone else now.
But you are imprinted in my mind.
You where my first love.
People seem to think, that young people, don't know what love is, like it's something you'll learn when you get older.
But I have always known what love is and I know it's nothing you learn. It's a feeling, and you can feel it in so many different ways, it can be wonderful and happy, like walking on clouds, like the sun touching you chin with warmth for the first time after a long winter, like the smell of flowers or the taste of your favourite food. But it can also be bitter, incredibly painful, awful and sad, like falling and hitting the ground, scraping up your knees, like getting lost from your parent in a store when you where young, or like burning. You can feel love in so many ways.

Love, I loved many people, in many different ways.

I love my mother, I loved a friend, I was passionately in love with the blonde haired girl with a pink heart coloured on one side, where the hair was just a couple of millimetres long. First time I saw her, she sat waiting on the bus, the sun shined on her and her smile oh her smile. I broke her heart and she broke mine. But she loved me and I loved her.

I love people, I've loved people. I've loved in different ways. I even have pretended to be in love, just to feel loved, just to feel worth. I've forgotten the feelings of love and mistaken them for something physical. I've assaulted my body and my mind, to something I badly wanted to be love.

I know quite a few things of love and I know you never learn.
Love will always be beautiful or horrible, or both, but you never learn it, never get used to it. You never get full on it.

I know I love you. I know I always will love you. I know how much my heart hurts sometimes.
I know I miss being loved by you and I know this will never change, even if I do, even if you do. Part of me is yours, part of you is mine and that's the beauty of love.

It's always there, in one way or another. For one person, or more.
It never ends, it does not have a beginning. It just is.

Fri vers av Monticha
Läst 228 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-03-18 19:12

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