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Breathing in

Your life is always changing
And cant return from where it came
Your life is always changing
When everything else remains the same
With every breath you take
Another journey will begin
When you are breathing
Breathing in
When you are breathing
Breathing in

Your life is always changing
And to remain is not prefered
Your life is always changing
And you were there when it occured
And you know whats in the past
Its what has been its what has been
So you are breathing
Breathing in
So you are breathing
Breathing in

Your life is always changing
So with the changes you must cope
Your life is always changing
Where there is changes there is hope
while wating for someone to love
You have to look for love within
So you are breathing
Breathing in
So you are breathing
Breathing in

Bunden vers (Rim) av Knickedick
Läst 258 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-04-23 10:12

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