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Todidina nad Trobagao

Todidina nad Trobagao

I want to live in the right way
So to say
Pour dreams in my morning coffee
I drink with hopes of what may be
Saints are shadowing the life i live
Say no to anything that shall sting

What has come a part
does it even fit
From the start
When life was nit, and all stitched up

Wandering inside my living room, try to zoom
My place on the google earth
Piano is playing, each one tone is fading
But it has a beautiful promise, It said to me, promise
Wondering, what promise may be real or false
Has it all gone apart, from the whole beginning

I thow a curve ball in the last inning
Hit by a bat, neat as it is, wrinkle tinkle stars above
In the night we are stars
But in the wars we are all in misery
And so it be, until the end
The end and endless

Promise has shown again
Stomping music does well to heal
Between the days of empty feel, as we now have passed
Future looked bright and here we are
We can always look back and see
But we don't see before we are, here

Typed and stringed together are this moment
So convenient, that my worlds came by, instant
Never set the launch before you get on board
Casual to life does treat the ball
As a garment of magic in the hall
We live and so does the star

Fri vers av The Hy The Man
Läst 181 gånger
Publicerad 2015-08-09 18:18

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The Hy The Man
The Hy The Man