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The twilight introduces the night, in witch i see the demon light.
Darkness beaming and shades it all, as deaths wings takes my breath away.
Her shiny raven wings, her black empty eyes, pale skin and royal black crown...So beautyfull in her thin black gown.Words are lost, not one breath taken.
Just hypnotized of the beauty in front of me standing.
Crying black tears, and fear is ending...I want to follow, but she tells me NO!!
Still feels the power of her voice, quakening and grow.
But I saw her and made me feal, there will be nothing to fear.
She broke my chains and made me see, there is still love and life to be.
She flew away and I was all alone, cold as steel, into the bone.
It started to rain, black waters wash and drain.
Started to breethe again and wanted to see, raven angel in darkness free.
That moment with death... When she truely took away my breath...

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Jimmy Bergeborn
Läst 307 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-10-20 23:13

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Jimmy Bergeborn
Jimmy Bergeborn