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Mother nature

Moder jord

Modern people suffering spiritual crises
Money makes us flat the god inside dislike us

Craving guidance in the art of living
The fact is: we forgot about giving

Fulfilling ourselves and buying Buddha’s to put up on our shelves

“Go to school, get a job” They said.
So why this thoughts lingering in my head?

We get all the things we need
But still this feeling of living in a big machine

“Who to blame?” I ask
Don’t judge me, I'm just doing my task

But really! What happens when the wheels stops and money isn’t worth a drop?
When the Mother Nature had enough

Sick and tired she has been for a long time,
now trying to take the lead in her own trial

“Didn’t you see the home where I created all the living?”
“I’m sorry, now it’s my time to forget about the giving”

With her eyes wide open,
taking back what we have broken

She stares at us from the cloud filled with dust,
what she really has in mind don’t reach us

We’re to blind with our crises
and don’t feel when Mother Nature tries to bite us

“I said it maybe 2 or 3 times: I’m the cure, stop the self-loathing
and give back a little more”

A little she took a lot more left
So what we have is easy to forget

The medicine for spiritual crises is the nature even if it sometime bites us.

Fri vers av Olivivia
Läst 265 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2015-12-15 09:57

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