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I am a poetic master.
My dreams,
my thoughts,
my feelings,
can always be translated into a wall of text.
I wonder,
about that day,
when I no longer,
have any more dreams,
where I no longer,
have any more thoughts,
where I no longer,
have any more feelings.
What then?
I have told you how I feel,
I have expressed to you what I feel,
I have dreamt about how I feel.
I don't want to die alone,
so I will carry on,
in silence.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Bahador Vafadar
Läst 281 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-12-19 02:44

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Bahador Vafadar
Bahador Vafadar