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Inspirerades av Bring Me The Horizon. Om skillnaden mellan att vara vid liv och att leva. Nej, jag är egentligen ingen särskilt arg person ;)

Barely Breathing

There's a room with no door,
Where I lost my sanity to you
In a room with bloodstained walls,
I keep wondering if you took my life too?

Did I ever even leave that place?
Did I make it out alive at all?
Cause I keep seeing that prison,
It keeps haunting me as I fall

Deeper and deeper into this nightmare,
Even though I know, I know that it's all in my head
But don't tell me to fucking live,
When I feel like I'm already dead!

So don't call this life; I may be alive,
But there's got to be more to it than this!
Every day is a pain, a regrettable feeling,
Each memory one more than I would wish

No, this isn't living,
This is barely fucking breathing!

And there's this room in my mind,
Where I keep on paying the cost
In a room with no way out,
Everything I've loved became everything I lost

Did you follow me when I left that place?
Cause I can honestly perceive
That it's not cause you're not with me,
It's cause you never leave

That I can't shake off this nightmare,
Even though I know, I know that it's all in my head
But don't tell me to fucking live,
When I feel like I'm already dead!

So don't call this life; I may be alive,
But there's got to be more to it than this!
Every day is a pain, a regrettable feeling,
Each memory one more than I would wish

No, this isn't living,
This is barely fucking breathing!
There's no way that this is living,
This is just barely fucking breathing!

Fri vers av Serafisk
Läst 267 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-12-25 05:01

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