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Låttext som jag skrev för mig själv när jag mådde piss. Inspirerad av Lindsey Stirlings låt We Are Giants.

Tiny little giant

Do you feel like this world’s too big for you?
Like no matter what you do,
you’ll wither away.
And there’s no one left to hold and care for you.
Do you feel like you’re just too small to be?
Like all you hear and think and see
makes you not want to stay.
And nothing you can do will set you free.
I promise you that everything will turn out better,
you just have to hold on for a while.

You’re a tiny little giant,
you’ve got the strength of a hundred souls
but you feel so alone.
But you’re so much stronger than you’ve ever known.
Your eyes are red from crying,
your voice is silent like a whisper in the wind.
But you can make yourself be seen and heard, I know.
You’re a tiny little giant.

I know it’s hard, just remind yourself to breathe.
In the wreckage and the debris,
you will find yourself.
Put yourself back together by any means.
I know your pain, and I know that it will pass.
I know it feels like you’re made of glass,
and that only time will tell
if you’re ever going to live and last.
But I promise you that everything will turn out better,
you just have stay strong.

No one has ever told you what you want to hear.
You have never felt the soft embrace of those calming words.
But there’s a ray of light behind every falling tear.
And there’s beauty in this world,
you just have to see beyond the blur of your fragile mind.

You’re a tiny little giant,
you’ve got the strength of a hundred souls
and you’re never alone.
And you are so much stronger than you think you are.
You’re a tiny little giant,
your voice is louder than the rushing winds.
And you shine brighter than a thousand burning stars.
You’re a tiny little giant.

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Publicerad 2016-03-05 23:33

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