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The second of my posts on the American Presidential Election.

The American Presidential Election, II.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a text on the up-coming American Presidential Election, due to, "its character of momentum, a decisive moment, not only for what ideas and policies that will shape American society for the foreseeable future, but also in how American politics are actually conducted." In this post, I comment on aspects of the campaign that were prevalent already in the primaries, but has been accentuated in the national campaign, actually becoming its central themes.

One of the main focuses of the Republican Party´s candidate Mr. Trump´s campaign has been the more or less aggressive questioning and attacks, on the so called "Establishment". Since the nationwide race between candidates started, this bullying has intensified and reached cruel and senseless levels with the Democratic Party´s candidate, Mrs. Clinton, as its main object.

Mrs. Clinton has since long belonged to the political Establishment in Washington DC, serving as advisor to her husband under his Presidential terms, as senator for the State of New York, and as Secretary of State under President Barack Obama´s first term.

That complex and advanced communities bring forward economic, technical and scientific elites, as well as political and administrative ones, is a process that comes naturally as an integrated part of their increasing diversification and sophistication as a society.

In communities that develop into democratic societies based on the rule of law, including a code of civil liberties that guarantees its citizens equality in values and rights, the people´s representatives must be chosen in direct, general free and democratic elections. The sole objective of the political and public administrative elite is to serve the citizens of the nation, and in a wider perspective, the citizens of the world community in accordance with the international agreements and treaties the country has committed itself to honor.

To serve as a people´s representative in a democratic society based on the ethics of universal human rights, ought to be reasonably kept apart from commitments in profitmaking enterprises and associations, due to the risk of partial and undue decisions.

The decision making process in these institutions must also be reasonably transparent to the people; with the exception of what can´t be made public due to national security etc. The public administration must also be accessible in the sense that people with the qualities and necessary requirements, have a fair chance of reaching its official positions.

It is of course possible to question this "Establishment" on a principal level: do we need it and if so, what ideological base and what legislative, executive and administrative functions should it have? We can also accept its present ethical and political base, but criticize certain structures and how well they follow from and harmonize with these values.

Mr. Trump´s attacks on the "Establishment" is harsh and aggressive, imprecise and lacking a coherent and constructive approach; asked to present a thorough policy statement reasoning around his ideas and planned policies, he does not, as I see it, manage to present one.

His incoherent political ideas and strategies, lack of knowledge, especially within the field of foreign policy, and not the least, and maybe most important and dangerous, the growing evidence of his unstable and erratic temperament, could prove to be disastrous not only for American citizens, but for the World community as a whole.

Although Mrs. Clinton under her service as Secretary of State handled work-related e-mails in a very questionable way, bordering on and maybe surpassing what can be regarded as lawful, her qualities and traits of character within the fields mentioned above are quite the opposite from Mr. Trump´s.

Also, having served in a number of public functions she has acquired an immense experience in several areas of politics. Within the field of foreign policy she emphasizes issues such as the environment and defense and security,
and the importance of building broad and thorough nets of international cooperation; to support the Paris Climate-agreement, and to preserve and strengthen defense alliances such as NATO are examples of that: both challenges that are of essential importance for the entire world.

(This second post on The American Presidential Election was initially supposed to discuss the history and development of the Democratic Party in the last 30 to 40 years.
Though, at present, I feel to unsecure on the subject, so I decided to focus this second write on the character and development of the ongoing National Presidential race and its candidates. I also made some more theoretical deviations around the subject of what ought to characterize the political and administrative structures and processes in democratic societies.)

Övriga genrer av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 293 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-03 13:03

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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP