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The Rastaman cultures are what Sweden needs?

The Rastaman cultures are what Sweden needs?

The Bills of sex culture must be paid with very high prize.

"Relationship agreement" I meant my friend poet.

I am looking a bit on the above from the top of that trend #me-too rebellion. In addition, ask me why right now in 2017 so much resurrection_

 Even in Sweden and there was no team law, bill, statute, act, rule, principle in change of 50 years. In sexual issues but now, suddenly Muslims and other culture decency police officers, it requires women to prepare to share their men with another's women after economic drowsiness.

 At best, one gets a mastered abbe to last for the purchase. As a woman with the success story right to comment or be caught in the columbarium when the rest of the Clear confirms.

White Women when walking in a "stall" and bunch, after 20 years, no longer like being in a good consensus and volunteering. Question.

If so then everyone wants to be explained to older days to Santa Maria Madonna.

We live in a monarchy rule it is not just about keeping the coin crown with the king's image through the EU, if the queen must also be coins with a reputation. Because there is only one woman in the country who has not been mocked.

- I think for all the best will be introduced (agreement) certificate of six duties / one time a month. For cohabiting relationship etc. I know a police photographer who had a deal with his genuine "wife" and he just yearned home. There he was planned and waited for a nice mood when all seemed flawed.

Bohemian Gypsy also has an agreement on how much sex with wife and how many dear (lover) are how many abuse, and what part of the body she takes pattern or if a woman is getting too much, etc.

In Russia do not even speak, how about not to abuse your woman, at any time!


Therefore, in Suede’s culture we do not want have to do with Rasta men blacks or Muslims alcoholics who take the law in their hands coming to Europe us sailor’s worker in sex slavery.


No more talking about the wives of the Muslims in turn, who are loved by their husband after their date in the agenda?

Being a white woman is not easy matter in Sweden but your multi maxi colored culture less can help.


Prosa (Kortnovell) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 410 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-11-21 11:53

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP