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Closing the door to the outside inaction,
So that the out-acted inability
Can roam freely without adamancy.

Are you safe enough now?

In the non-world of moving glass walls,
Coming in on conveyor belts, self-replicating,
Gluing themselves around an automaton heart.

Are you safe enough now?

Unvoiced alarming intensity goes unnoticed
While cuts from self-made bubble-wrap dolls
Drop invisible hollow tears, drowning the self-made silence.

Are you safe enough now?

It's not God, not the Moirai, and not the Norns.
It's not the teacher, not the parent and not the boss-horns.
It's the One ring to rule the heart, the glass-ring of fiery guilt,
The past upon the present, the cold hand of a ghost upon the art
Suffocating life one automaton beat at a rusty time.

Are you safe enough now?

Fri vers av Marcus_Sjölander
Läst 194 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-11-28 22:23

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