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Some reflections on the US-presidential election.

The US-election.

I think it´s very positive and encouraging that
Mr. Biden and Mrs.Harris won the Presidential
election. Hopefully, it will lead to a new emphasis
on international cooperation in Human Rights,
Climate Change, Science, Health Care etc.

Also, a great relief that the General Service
Administration has certified the President-elect
Mr. Biden´s and Mrs. Harris´s win, thereby
authorizing their access to executive branch
information and federal funding. I`m looking
forward to follow their work in the comming years.

Övriga genrer av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 156 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2020-11-24 11:14

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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP