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Still Human

Every once in a while
I rebound to my vices
'tgives a rush to my blood
and I know I´m still human.
I loom in the lurches
refrain from my virtues
wander the moors
cold to the core
but I know I´m still human
from my crises and purges.
So then maybe
all our vices, and urges
are virtous?
After all, they make us repent
serve as fuel for ascent
as we stumble and reach
for the ledges
and fall
from the edges
and seek
by west, and by east
as below, so above
for a union
with peace
and the angels
of love.
But I wonder...
(at least perhaps
in my dreams)
is the beauty of beast
not the lock for the key
to becoming a human?
It does seem to me
that as long as we strive
to prosper and thrive
just like animals, free
roaming the wild
calm and serene
we're still human.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 122 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2021-02-02 11:35

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Lustverket VIP